How to Sew Spandex Shorts?
Tired of getting shorts from the market? Not really fond of the fitting that the shorts of different brands offer? Well, you probably do not know that it is possible to sew your own shorts, right? Yes! It is entirely possible!
To be honest, just like you, we struggled a bit when we wanted to learn how to sew spandex shorts. Our thinking was that it would not be possible without getting the best serger for heavy fabrics. However, through research and experience, we learned that the sewing could be done without that.
Additionally, we have found the easiest steps that you can follow to sew spandex shorts from our experience. And we are going to spill them all in this article. So continue reading!
How to Sew Spandex Shorts?
In this guide, we are going to show how to sew spandex with a serger and a sewing machine. The first four steps are going to be applicable for both. However, after that, there will be dedicated steps for both machines. Nevertheless, the steps are going to simple and easy to follow. Have a read!
Step 1: Let the Fabric Rest for a While
Even if you have the knit sergers, it will struggle a bit to sew spandex if it has too many creases. And to get the creases out of the spandex, lay it flat for a couple of hours. This will let the material rest for a while and make the crease fall out. The same process should be followed while using the best serger for denim.
On that note, make sure that your fabric remains straight, not stretched. If it remains stretched for a long amount of time, it might lose elasticity. And that is something you would not want.
Step 2: Cut the Spandex
After letting the spandex rest for a while, you need to grab a pair of scissors or an electric cloth cutting machine. Here, make sure that the scissors are sharp, like the scissors for snipping rag quilts. Without them being sharp, you will not be able to clean edges. Also, do ensure that when you are cutting the spandex, it is not stretched.
If you cut the material while it is stretched, the measurements are going to be way off. And you would just waste the spandex. Talking of wastage, cut one piece of the spandex at a time. This will allow you to make accurate cuts. And precise cuts can eliminate the chances of you wasting spandex.
Additionally, if you want to keep your spandex as flat as possible while cutting, we would recommend pinning them down. However, pins might leave marks on the surface. If they do, weigh it down with some pattern weights. You can also use any heavy object to make it lay flat.
Step 3: Consider the Direction of the Stretch
Most people will skip this step, but this is very important. Here, you should check the direction of the stretch. It should go all around the shorts you are planning to make. Measure the waist and match the stretch if you have to. If it does not match, even the best thread for sewing knits will not be able to properly sew it.
Step 4: Check the Stretch Quality
Next, you need to check the quality of the stretch. Here, consider whether the stretch quality is matching with the fabric of the short. If they are not matching, you need to get yourself a different lot of spandex. Wondering why? Without matching stretch quality, the stitches are simply going to break.
In addition to that, if the stretch quality does not match, the spandex might not be able to stay on the short for as long as you might expect it to.
Step 5: Use the Serger

The steps until this one are for both the serger and sewing machine. Now, to finish of the process with the serger, you first need to check which machine you have. Usually, some of the machines are capable of seaming the edges without needing any additional stitching.
However, if your serger does not have that ability, you might want to stay ready with thread and stitching tools to make additional stitches. Now, when sewing the seams, make sure that you are stretching the fabric a bit. This will enable the fabric to get the maximum level of stretchiness from the spandex.
Step 5: Use the Sewing Machine

After checking the stretch quality, you need to use the sewing machine to sew the spandex on the shorts. Here, start with one of the corners and slowly move towards the other one.
Do stretch the fabric a bit while sewing. That will make the fabric achieve the highest level of stretchiness.
Final Words
Now that you know how to sew spandex shorts, hopefully, you will not give up on the idea of making shorts on your own. Just follow all the steps properly and use the machines properly. And you should end with perfectly comfortable shorts.