Why Do White Clothes Turn Yellow and How Can You Prevent It?
Why do white clothes turn yellow? There are a few reasons why this might happen. It could be due to sweat, body oils, or makeup. It could also be because of the fabric itself. Certain fabrics are more likely to absorb color from other things around them, which can cause them to turn yellow over time.
If you notice that your white clothes are starting to turn yellow, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem. You can soak the clothing in vinegar or bleach or use a special detergent designed for white clothes. With a little bit of effort, you should be able to get your clothes looking white again.
Keep reading to learn more about why white clothes turn yellow and how you can keep your clothing looking bright and new.
The Factors Behind Why White Clothes Turn Yellow
Oxidation is one of the main reasons why white clothes turn yellow. This happens when the fabric is exposed to oxygen, which causes a chemical reaction that can change the fabric’s color. Sunlight can also cause oxidation, which is why you might notice that your white shirts start to yellow after being stored in a sunny spot for too long.

Another reason white clothes might turn yellow is because of a process called bleaching. Bleaching happens when the fabric is exposed to certain chemicals or cleaners that strip away the color. This can leave the fabric looking yellow or discolored.
One final reason white clothes turn yellow is a build-up of sweat, body oils, or other liquids. These can all stain the fabric and cause it to turn yellow over time.
How to Prevent Your White Clothes from Turning Yellow?
One of the most common questions we get asked is how to prevent white clothes from turning yellow. While there are a few different reasons why this may happen, there are a few simple tips you can follow to help keep your whites looking bright.
1. Avoid Softener
Avoid using fabric softener when washing your white clothes. Fabric softeners can lead to yellowing over time. Since fabric conditioners are almost similar to fabric softeners, you should avoid them too.
2. Use Vinegar
Use vinegar when washing your white clothes. Adding either of these ingredients to your laundry will help keep your whites looking brighter.
3. Don’t Overload Washer
Avoid overloading your washing machine. This can actually lead to more color transfer and cause your whites to turn yellow.
4. Use Baking Soda
Use baking soda when washing your white clothes. This will help keep them looking brighter.
5. Dry Outside
Hang your white clothes in the low sun to dry. The sunlight has ultraviolet which helps to keep the dress looking brighter.
6. Dry on Low Heat
Suppose there is no way to dry your cloth in sunlight. Instead, use a dryer but on low heat. Unfortunately, the dryer’s high heat can cause whites to turn yellow.
7. Clean Washer
Make sure you clean your washing machine every month with hot water and vinegar. This will help remove any build-up that could cause your clothes to turn yellow.
8. Store It in A Cool Place
Store your white clothes in a cool, dark place. Heat and light can cause white clothes to yellow over time.
9. Use Fabric Breathable Non-Plastic Bag
Avoid keeping white clothes in a box because that will cause oxidation and turn your clothes yellow.
10. Take Prompt Action
If you notice that your white clothes are turning yellow, take action immediately. The sooner you treat the problem. The less likely your whites will become permanently discolored.
Following these simple tips, you can help keep your white clothes looking bright and new for longer.
Ways to Fix Yellowing Clothing
If your white clothes have already started to yellow, there are a few ways you can try to fix the issue.

Step 1: Soak It on Solution of Vinegar
Soak your yellowed clothing in a solution of vinegar and water. Let the clothing soak for 30 minutes before washing as usual.
Step 2: Use Bleach
Use bleach to remove the yellowing from your clothing. Be sure to follow the instructions on the bleach bottle carefully, as too much bleach can damage your clothes.
Step 3: Dry It in Sunlight
Hang your yellowed clothing in the sun to bleach. The sunlight will help to remove the yellowing from your clothes.
Step 4: Use Whitening Agent
Try using a whitening agent designed explicitly for laundry use. These agents can be found at most drugstores or supermarkets.
By following these tips, you should be able to remove the yellowing from your white clothes.
Tips for Keeping Your White Clothes Looking New Longer
It’s inevitable. At some point, every white garment will start to turn yellow. But there are ways to keep your whites looking new for longer. Here are a few tips:
1. Avoid Washing with Other Colors
Wash your whites separately from other colors. This will prevent them from picking up any color from other clothes in the wash.
2. Use Specialized Detergent
Use a gentle detergent made specifically for white clothes. Regular laundry detergent can contain harsh chemicals that cause whites to yellow over time.
3. Bleach It To Remove Any Stain
Bleach your whites regularly. This will prevent white clothes from turning yellow. Just be sure to use non-chlorine bleach to avoid damaging the fabric.
4. Let It Dry in Sunlight
Hang your white clothes in the sun whenever possible. The ultraviolet rays will help to keep them looking brighter.
5. Avoid Wearing on Dirty Works
Avoid wearing your white clothes when sweating or exposed to dirt and grime. The more they get dirty, the more likely they will start turning yellow.
By following these tips, you can keep your white clothes looking new for longer. But eventually, all whites will start to turn yellow. If this happens, don’t despair. There are ways to reverse the process and get your whites looking bright again.
Which Fabrics Are More Likely to Absorb Color and Turn Yellow Over Time?
Cotton is more likely to absorb color and turn yellow over time than synthetic fabrics. This is because the dyes in cotton clothing can transfer onto the fabric over time, causing it to discolor. Other factors that can contribute to yellowing include sweat, body oils, and exposure to sunlight.

To prevent your white clothes from turning yellow, wash them in cool water with a mild detergent. Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as these can also cause discoloration. Hang your clothes dry in a shady area, out of direct sunlight.
If you must use a dryer, set it to the lowest heat to minimize color transfer. Regularly cleaning your washing machine will also help keep your whites looking their best. Run an empty cycle with hot water and a cup of vinegar every few weeks to remove any build-up that could cause your clothes to turn yellow.
What to Do If Bleach Turns Clothes Yellow?
If you’ve accidentally bleached your clothes and they look yellow, don’t worry. There are a few things you can do to fix the problem.

1) Rinse the clothing in cool water as soon as possible. This will help to stop the bleaching process and prevent further damage.
2) Soak the clothing in a solution of vinegar and water. Let it soak for 30 minutes before washing as usual.
3) Use a color-safe bleach to remove the remaining yellowing from the clothing. Be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle carefully so as not to damage the fabric.
4) Hang the clothing in the sun to bleach. The sunlight will help to remove any remaining yellowing from the fabric.
How to Keep White Clothes from Turning Yellow in Closet?
There are a few key reasons why white clothes may turn yellow in the closet; luckily, there are a few simple ways to prevent this from happening!
One common reason for yellowing is poor air circulation in the closet. When clothing is packed too tightly, it doesn’t have a chance to breathe and can cause sweat and body oils to build up on the fabric. This can then lead to discoloration over time. To prevent this, leave enough space between items in your closet and consider using storage boxes or bags that allow for better airflow.
Another common reason for yellowing is due to contact with other materials that can cause staining. For example, if you store your white clothes next to colored items, the dyes from the other fabric can bleed onto your whites. To prevent this, store white clothes separately from other items. You may also want to consider using garment bags or acid-free tissue paper to protect your clothes further.
Finally, some materials are more susceptible to staining and yellowing than others. For example, natural fibers like cotton and linen are more likely to discolor than synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon. So if you’re concerned about your clothes turning yellow, opt for less likely stain fabrics.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can too much bleach turns cloth yellow?
Yes, it can, but not for every white fabric. Using too much bleach on synthetic fibers like Polyester, Microfiber and Nylon will result in a yellowing of the fabric.
Why do clothes get yellow stain when stored?
It causes for various reasons. For example, when clothes are stored without washing, the sweat and body oils present in the fabric can cause staining. Another common reason is storing clothes next to other materials that can bleed, such as colored fabrics.
You may also want to consider using garment bags or acid-free tissue paper to protect your clothes further.
Can baking soda remove yellowing from clothes?
Yes, baking soda is a natural bleach alternative and can help remove yellowing from clothing. To use, make a paste with baking soda and water and apply it to the stained areas. Let it sit for 30 minutes before washing as usual.
Does vinegar turns clothes yellow?
Not at all! Vinegar is a friendly thing when it comes to laundry. It helps on remove yellowing from clothing.
Do you bleach white clothes in hot or cold water?
You should always bleach white clothes in cold water to prevent further damage to the fabric. If using color-safe bleach, follow the bottle instructions carefully to avoid damaging the fabric. You may also want to hang the clothing in the sun to bleach.
What reasons can cause white clothes to turn pink over time?
There are several reasons why your white clothes are turning pink over time. Some of them include using the wrong type of detergent, using the wrong type of water, or exposing your clothes to harsh elements like sunlight or chemicals.
To avoid this from happening, it is important to familiarize yourself with the factors that can affect the color of your clothes and adjust your washing routine accordingly.
Final Words
White clothes are a classic wardrobe staple, but they can be tricky to keep clean. Over time, all whites will start to turn yellow. But by following the tips above, you can prolong the life of your white clothes and keep them looking new for longer. If your whites do start to yellow, don’t despair. There are a few simple ways to reverse the process and get your clothes looking bright again.
Can I Use Yellow Shea Butter on White Clothes Without Staining?
Yes, you can use yellow shea butter on white clothes without staining. However, it’s always a good idea to do a patch test first to ensure it won’t cause any discoloration. If the shea butter is high quality, it shouldn’t leave any yellow shea butter stain clothes.
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