5 Best Sewing Machine for Outdoor Gear in 2024
I was going through a website to get myself some outdoor gear when I realized that most of them are either overly expensive – or just not my type. Eventually, I got tired of searching and realized that’s it – I would make some myself.
That lead me to do some research on how I should start the process of making some, and the right way to do so is to look for the appropriate sewing machine for outdoor gear first.
With the perfect equipment, you can conquer just about anything – even with little skill. So I took the time to find the top ones out there, which I will be sharing with you right here!
Fabrics Used for Making Different Outdoor Gear
Before you get acquainted with the sewing machines that you will need to make outdoor gear, you should take a look at the fabrics that you should be using.
So if you haven’t bought the fabrics yet, then you should totally go through this section of the article.

Here is a versatile fabric that can be used to make many different yarns – which can result in different materials. And this is what people most commonly use for making outdoor gear.
There are many benefits of polyester that make it ideal for the purpose. Polyester is durable but comfortable at the same time, and it is definitely breathable. So, you will always feel cozy but remain protected wearing it.

Another common fabric for outdoor gear is a fleece. This is a highly breathable fabric with unmatched durability – making it ideal for outdoor gears. Often, fleece is used in the middle layers of the gear for the right effect.
Not to mention, fleece is also resistant to moisture, and it is lightweight enough to not make you uncomfortable. Hence, it is the perfect material for outdoor gears.
Nylon/Nylon Blends

By now, you already know that outdoor gears require durable fabrics – and nylon is surely one of them. Not only is it durable, but it is affordable as well, so you won’t have to splurge on it.
At the same time, nylon is very comfortable and breathable, so you or anyone who wears outdoor gear made of it will absolutely love it.
5 Best Sewing Machine for Outdoor Gear
Looking hard for a sewing machine ideal for sewing outdoor gear? Worry no more because we have picked five of the top ones for you.
1. SINGER | 4423 Heavy Duty Sewing Machine With Included Accessory Kit

- Color: Grey
- Material: Metal
- Weight: 14.5 Pounds
- Power Source: Corded Electric
- Electric: Yes
Are you a beginner who wants to learn how to sew outdoor gears? In that case, no other sewing machine will be more perfect than this for you. Not only will this be easy to use for you, but you can set it up effortlessly as well – find out more.
No matter what type of stitches your outdoor gear requires, this machine will be able to provide it. For that, it comes with 23 built-in stitches, including buttonhole stitches – all of which provide remarkable stitch quality and top-notch fabric compatibility.
What makes this machine unique and even more ideal for sewing outdoor gears is that it contains an automatic needle threader feature. So, you can thread the eye of the needle without stressing out your own eye.
At the same time, you can work with different types of seams using this because it comes with a 60% more powerful motor. Not to mention, its 1,100 stitches per minute of sewing speed will make sure you sew your outdoor gears fast.
This item is perfect for heavy-weight fabrics because it comes with sturdy build quality. With a metal interior frame and a stainless steel bed frame, you will never be disappointed. Thanks to these features, it’s also considered the sewing machine for tactical gear by many sewists.
On the other hand, the machine contains multiple accessories, including a dust cover, a button-sewing foot, and most importantly, a walking foot. Other accessories are included as well, so you won’t have to buy anything extra.
Need to sew outdoor gears professionally with beginner-level experience? Then this impressive sewing machine will cater to your demands just perfectly.
2. Brother Sewing and Quilting Machine, CS6000i

- Color: White
- Material: Aluminium
- Weight: 5.9 kg
- Power Source: Treadle Powered
- Electric: Yes
Looking for a portable sewing machine that you can carry from workplace to workplace? Then here’s one you will be interested in. You can set it up and use it conveniently anywhere you want – learn more about this right here.

When it comes to versatility, this item will surely blow your mind. The machine comes with 60 built-in stitches, alongside 7 style buttonhole stitches – making it ideal for outdoor gears. But you can use this sewing machine for canvas and leather as well.
Get the benefits of using an industrial sewing machine right at home with this. The heavy metal construction of the item makes it compatible with different fabrics. Not to mention, its frame construction is reliable as well.

At the same time, the adjustable sewing speed control system will make sure your stitch quality always remains unmatched. In fact, you can also adjust it in accordance with the fabric you will be using – so it will sew your outdoor gears perfectly.
Your sewing machine is incomplete with a walking foot. That is why the machine itself comes with a walking foot. But it contains other accessories as well, such as a needle set, a wide table, a protective case, etc.
On the other hand, the LCD display will help you choose your stitches quite effortlessly. The machine also includes an automatic needle threader that will make pushing the thread through the needle much easier.
This machine contains the most versatile collection of sewing stitches, alongside the feature of adjusting speed according to the fabric.
3. SINGER | Heavy Duty 4452 Sewing Machine

- Color: Grey
- Material: Metal
- Weight: 7.14 kg
- Power Source: Treadle Powered
- Electric: Yes
The sewing speed of a machine determines how well it will be making your outdoor gears. In that regard, you will love this one because it comes with a maximum sewing speed of 1,100 SPM – find out more right here.
Alongside a high sewing speed, the machine also includes a 60% more powerful motor, allowing it to be compatible with various fabrics. Not to mention, this will significantly improve the stitch quality as well.

When it comes to versatility, this item will never let you down. This machine comes with 32 built-in stitches, among which you will find a 1-step buttonhole stitch as well. Hence, you can use this sewing machine for marine vinyl and other fabrics requiring different stitches.
Needles, bobbins, walking foot – you name it. This machine contains everything you will need for sewing outdoor gears. Walking foot is extremely important for the purpose, and you won’t have to buy it separately.
To enhance its performance while making sure it lasts for a long time, the item includes an interior frame made of metal alongside stainless steel bedplates. Hence, you can work smoothly on your outdoor gear.
At the same time, the machine includes an automatic needle threader that will make sure you never strain out your eyes. This feature will thread the eye of the needle for you.
If you are in need of a sewing machine that will work well with various fabrics for outdoor gears, then you will absolutely love this one.
4. Juki TL-2010Q 1-Needle, Lockstitch, Portable Sewing Machine

- Color: White
- Material: Aluminium
- Weight: 38 Pounds
- Power Source: Treadle Powered
- Electric: Yes
What if you didn’t need a ceiling light for sewing room when working? Well, with the bright LED lighting of this product, you probably won’t be needing it anyway. It comes with other remarkable features that we will discuss right here – find out in this review.
This single needle lockstitch equipment is perfect for sewing outdoor gears. The lockstitch feature will make sure it efficiently sews all the outdoor gears while maintaining unmatched stitch quality and convenient fabric compatibility.
The most fascinating part of this equipment is that you will be able to carry it around from workplace to workplace. Despite that, it contains a heavy-duty aluminum construction, which will ensure the durability of its frame for a long time.
With industrial-quality sewing, the equipment also offers a variable speed control slider, which will let you adjust the speed according to the fabric requirements. Hence, you will get maximum efficiency.
Both using and setting this equipment up is very effortless. In fact, to make it easier for you, the item comes with an automatic thread trimmer and an automatic needle threader – so you won’t really have to do anything.
For making outdoor gear, having a walking foot is an absolute necessity, and this machine knows that. Hence, it comes with a walking foot – so you won’t have to buy one yourself, which will save your costs and time.
Whether you need LED lighting or adjustable speed, this machine will give you everything you need to make outdoor gears.
5. Brother Sewing and Quilting Machine, XR3774

- Color: White
- Material: Metal
- Weight: 15.9 Pounds
- Power Source: AC
- Electric: Yes
We all want a lasting, permanent result when we’re dyeing fabric, and that is what our final pick provides you with. And it manages to do that without taking away the amount of control you have over the shades.
Let’s start with the colors, then. You can find a range of color options to dye polyester with this product, each of them providing superb value. After dyeing, all of them looked vibrant and didn’t wash off easily.
As you know, you need to finish the dyeing process at higher temperatures, which is a given when it comes to dyeing polyester. Furthermore, the higher you go with the heat, the deeper its shade will be, regardless of the color.
This bit applies to most dyes of this category, of course. As for which fabrics you can color with it, the answer is anything synthetic. You can work with polyester, nylon, acrylic, or any other synthetics of this sort.
However, if you have 100% polyester, Tulip does not recommend that you dye it with this product, which is a drawback. And as long as the ratio for synthetic fibers isn’t too low, it can dye blends quite well.
Regarding the price, this product hits a reasonable point, especially when you consider its fade-resistance and overall performance. Other than the Achilles’ heel of 100% synthetics, this is an excellent dye.
This amazing sewing machine will provide all the facilities and accessories that you can possibly ask for.
What to Look for Before You Buy?
Sewing a home apparel and an outdoor gear are very different – and hence, you can’t go for a standard sewing machine when making outdoor gear. You will need one that is suited for the purpose.
Now, most people will go to their nearest local store and get the machine that their shopkeeper recommends – and that is not always the brightest idea. Therefore, it is better to make a choice yourself.
If you are concerned about what you should be looking for exactly, then don’t worry; we got you covered. Follow this list of key aspects, and you will make a satisfactory purchase.

The making of outdoor gears might involve various heavy-duty fabrics that a fragile sewing machine may not be able to handle. Hence, construction is important.
All-metal construction is preferred, and having stainless steel included is just the bonus you need.
Walking Foot

You cannot sew outdoor gears without a walking foot – this is an absolute necessity that your sewing machine must offer you.
A walking foot will feed layers of fabrics when sewing. So, make sure it comes with your sewing machine.
Sewing Speed

You might have to adjust the sewing speed according to the fabric you are working on – sometimes, it should be high and sometimes low.
Nevertheless, having a maximum speed of 1,000 SPM will be to your advantage, so make sure not to have the maximum speed lower than that.
Number of Built-In Stitches

Now, the number of built-in stitches is often the factor that many buyers tend to overlook – even when they shouldn’t. Outdoor gears can require various types of stitches, and your sewing machine should be able to deliver them.
Hence, the more number of built-in stitches it has, the better. Make sure the number of built-in stitches isn’t lower than 10. And also, focus on the buttonhole stitches it has.
Ease of Usage

Even if you are getting yourself a sewing machine on par with an industrial one, it shouldn’t make your work difficult for you – after all, you wouldn’t want to get too frustrated when working on the gears.
Hence, try to go for machines that are easy to work with. Make sure it comes with instructions. For more assurance, you can go through its reviews.
Now, we have already mentioned that your sewing machine needs to be heavy-duty, or else it won’t be able to work with heavy fabrics. And while that is true, you might also need a portable one.
But there is no rule that heavy-duty machines cannot be portable, and so, if you have multiple workplaces, then you can surely look for a sewing machine that is portable, as well as made of metal.
Extra Features
There are some extra features that can definitely make your life with a sewing machine easier. For instance, LED lighting, LCD displays, automatic needle threader, and a lot more.
You might not have to look for these features because most sewing machines nowadays include these for added convenience.
Type of Threads Used for Sewing Outdoor Gear
After getting the ideal fabric for outdoor gears, you should focus on the threads that you will be used to sew them.
And no need to look it up by yourself because we will be discussing that right here.

The most suitable thread for outdoor gears is the polyester thread. And make sure to go for 100% polyester threads because they will provide more benefits than any of their other counterparts.
Not only are polyester threads strong, but they are resistant to UV as well – hence, you won’t have to worry about your seams opening up after using the outdoor gears for some time.

Another great option is nylon thread, which is a pretty good alternative to polyester. Nylon threads are strong with some stretch properties, but they are not very resistant to UV.
At the same time, nylon threads are very affordable as well. So, if you are on a tight budget and don’t feel like you can spend more about buying the fabrics and the machine, then nylon threads are here to save the day.

The most common thread out there is cotton thread. But the cotton thread is not the right option to go for – only choose it if you already have it and don’t feel like buying any more threads.
However, cotton threads can be easy to work with, and you won’t have to worry about UV damage, so they are an alright option. Moreover, cotton threads are also affordable and can be found anywhere.
Type of Sewing Stitches Used for Sewing Outdoor Gear

So, you already have everything you will need for sewing outdoor gears – now, how should you start? Before you start to sew, there are some types of stitches that you should become familiar with.
Why? Because your outdoor gear will need it. So let’s look into the stitches your sewing machine should provide.
Straight Stitch

Being a beginner, you will thank the existence of straight stitches. This is the most straightforward and the easiest one to master.
Zig-zag Stitch

If your outdoor gear is made of stretchy fabric, then it will surely need a zig-zag stitch. Again, the name of the stitch already describes what it is going to look like.
Overlock Stitch

This is a very common type of stitch that basically every piece of clothing contains. And your outdoor gear needs it too. An overlock stitch is used for hems, and its purpose is to provide a smooth finish.
Buttonhole Stitch

A buttonhole stitch is a common one that all your outdoor gears will need – in fact, your sewing machine should have this stitch mandatorily. As you can tell by the name, it is used for buttons, and it can be tricky to execute if your sewing machine doesn’t simplify it.
Blind Hem Stitch

In some outdoor gears, you will notice that the stitch doesn’t show outside – how? Well, it has been blind hem stitched! It is the trickiest stitch out of all the ones discussed here, but it is totally worth it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get an industrial sewing machine under $150 for outdoor gear?
It can be difficult to find industrial sewing machines within $150. But you can definitely look for a second-hand one if that is your budget because industrial sewing machines are necessary for making outdoor gear.
Do I need a fabric cutting machine with sewing machines?
No matter what you are making, you need to cut the fabrics before sewing – and that stands for outdoor gears as well. Since you can’t always use scissors for those, it’s wise to have a fabric cutting machine.
How do you sew heavy nylon fabric?
To sew heavy nylon fabric for your outdoor gear, you will need a sewing machine that is heavy-duty. Make sure to set it at high speed for the process.
Which sewing machine is best for bags?
You can use any industrial sewing machine for making bags. Brands like Singer or Juki have sewing machines that will cater to your demands and make bags perfectly.
How do you sew nylon gear?
The first part of sewing nylon gear is to have it cut using a rotary cutter first – that will stop it from fraying. Then set your machine’s sewing speed and stitches accordingly.
Final Words
The best sewing machine for outdoor gear can be quite tricky to find, given there are so many good options out there. But once you become acquainted with your requirements, the task will become very easy.