Can You Dry Whites and Colors Together? (Explained)
Laundry is one of those never-ending tasks that seem to pile up faster than we can handle it. And if you’re like me, you often wonder can you dry whites and colors together when you’re doing your laundry.
The answer is yes, but it depends… Most things are determined by the fabric types your garments are composed of.
So aren’t you interested in finding out more? Read on to learn more about doing laundry the right way!
Can You Dry White Clothes with Colored Clothes?
In general, it’s best to keep whites and colors separate when you’re doing your laundry. If you mix white clothing with colored pieces, there’s a possibility of color bleeding. Dark clothes, in particular, can bleed their color onto lighter items. As a result, your whites may end up looking dingy.

Can You Dry Different Colors Together?

Most modern fabrics are colorfast, meaning that they won’t lose their color when you wash them. As a result, you can usually dry different colors together without any problems. However, you should still be careful with other fabrics which are delicate. If you have any doubt about whether a particular fabric is colorfast, it’s best to err on the side of caution and wash it separately.
Different Types of Clothes
The quality of clothes depends on fabric types. There are natural and synthetic fabrics. Natural fabrics are made of fibers that come from plants or animals. Cotton, linen, and silk are examples of natural fabrics. These are typically classified as delicate fabrics. Synthetic fabric is made of manmade fibers. Polyester, nylon, and acrylic are examples of synthetic fabric.
Cotton is a fabric that can be safely dried with other colors, as it doesn’t bleed. However, you should always check the care label first to be sure. Jeans are also usually safe to dry with other colors, as the dark fabric doesn’t usually bleed with other clothes. However, light-color jeans may bleed, so it’s always best to check the care label first.
Can You Dry White and Darks Color Together?

Dark colors can sometimes bleed, so you might be worried about putting them in with your whites. But as long as you wash them on a gentle cycle in cool water beforehand, you should be fine to dry them all together on a low heat setting. Just be sure to check your dark clothes for any color bleeding before you put them in with your whites. If you see any, it’s best to wash them separately.
Can You Dry Different Colors Together?
It’s better not to dry multiple hues of clothing together since they can mix. For example, if you mix a yellow shirt with a white one, the yellow color may seep into the white garment and create a yellowish hue. It is preferable to dry each sort of cloth separately, but there are certain exceptions. Check the garment care labels for specific information on how to keep the colored clothes bright.
Can You Dry White and Dark Clothes Together?
You can, but it’s not recommended. If you do, make sure the colors are similar and that there is plenty of space between them to avoid heat transfer. The heat from the dryer will cause the colors to fade faster, and I am sure that you don’t want to wear a faded cloth. Dry on a low setting and remove the clothes as soon as they’re dry. Avoid overloading the dryer, which can cause colors to bleed.
Can You Dry Whites and Colors Together If They Are Soaking Wet?
You’re basically asking, can I put soaking wet clothes in the dryer if they are different colors? And the answer is a big NO!
Because different colors can react differently when exposed to heat, and you risk damaging them or changing their color if you dry them together. Plus, we already discussed the color bleeding and staining issue.
Thus, it is best to separate whites and colors when drying them if they are soaking wet.
Why You Shouldn’t Wash White and Colors?
You shouldn’t wash whites and colors together because the dye from the new clothes can transfer to the white clothes and cause them to become stained. If this happens, it is very difficult to remove the stains, and they may become permanent. In addition, washing white and colored clothes together in the same load can cause the colors to run and bleed, ruining both the clothes and the washing machine. Your clothes should have been washed separately because it’s best to play safe.
What is the Best Way to Wash White?
The best way to wash white clothes is by using cold water and color-safe bleach. A fabric softener can also be used to reduce wrinkles and static cling. Always remember to avoid hot water since it may damage the life of your clothes. Don’t use detergent when you are washing whites with colors.
Here’s how to do it:
Cold Water
The main advantage of using cold water is that it helps to preserve the color and the shades of clothes. It also helps to reduce the amount of energy used in the washing process.
- Sort your laundry by color. Make sure that all of the white clothes are in one load.
- Add cold water to the washing machine.
- Fill your sink with water. Add the required amount of color-safe bleach to the wet clothes in the wash cycle.
- Wash the clothes according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Hang the clothes to dry or use a low heat setting on the dryer.
Color-Safe Bleach
Color-safe bleach is a kind of bleach that comes in three forms: liquid, pastille, and granule. It’s intended for colored garments and is typically used on them. It is important to read the label carefully to make sure that it is compatible with your washing machine.
- First, you should check the garment’s care label.
- If the wash symbols include a line above the tub with a hand, cold water is the best choice.
- Wash and rinse your clothes in cold water using color-safe bleach according to the package directions.
- Add a fabric softener to the final rinse cycle to help protect your clothes from color bleeding.
Fabric Softener
A fabric softener can be used to reduce wrinkles and static cling. It is important to read the label carefully to make sure that it is compatible with your washing machine.
- Add the appropriate amount of fabric softener to your washing machine according to the instructions on the bottle.
- Select the cold water option with the spin cycle in the washing machine.
- Wash your clothes as usual.
- Dry your clothes by simply hanging them up or using a clothesline.
How to Save Your Washing Time?

In personal experience, I have found that you can save time by putting your whites and colors together in the dryer. This method will save you time and energy in the long run. But the main problem is that your clothes might get tangled together, and the colors might run. So it’s best to take some time and wash them separately.
Best Way to Dry Your Clothes?
The drying process can be different for every type of clothing. There are a few ways that you can dry your clothes. You can use a tumble dryer, air dry them, or hang them out to dry. Each drying method has its own benefits and drawbacks.
Tumble Drying
Tumble dry can help you to dry your clothes quickly and easily. However, it can also damage your clothes if you’re not careful. The downside is that it uses a lot of energy and it can damage your clothes.
Air Drying
Air drying is the gentlest way to dry your clothes. It takes longer than tumble drying, but it doesn’t use as much energy. Hanging your clothes out to dry is a good option if you have the space. It can take a while for your clothes to dry, but it’s an energy-efficient way to dry them.
List of Colors That You Can Mix and Can’t Mix Together
Can Be Mixed – All These Colors Are Inter-Mixable
- Black
- Blue
- Brown
- Gray
- Green
- Navy
- Purple
- Red
- Yellow
Can’t Be Mixed
- Khaki and white
- Light blue and white
- Orange and white
- Pink and white
- Turquoise and white
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I dry light and dark clothes together?
Yes, you can dry light and dark clothes together as long as you use cold water and the colors are compatible with each other.
Can you put white clothes with colored clothes in the washer?
Yes, you can put white clothes with colored clothes in the washer. You should use cold water and color-safe bleach to make sure that the colors don’t run.
Do I need to separate white clothes?
Yes, you should always separate white clothes from colored clothes. This will help to keep the colors from bleeding.
Can colors bleed in cold water?
No, colors should not bleed in cold water. However, you should always check the care label to be sure.
Why is it suggested to zip zippers before washing?
Zippers can snag on other clothes and fabrics during the wash cycle, which can cause them to break or malfunction. By zipping them closed before washing, you can help protect them from damage.
Can I wash grey with white?
Yes, you can wash grey with white. Because they are similar colors, they will not bleed into each other.
What temp do you dry white clothes?
You can dry white clothes at any temperature, but the recommended temperature is medium or low to avoid shrinking or damaging the fabric.
Final Words
So, now that you know whether or not you can dry whites together with colors, let’s look at some of the factors to consider when making a decision. Every sort of apparel has its own drying process. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.