How to Fade a T-Shirt: The Easiest Ways and Methods
A faded T-shirt is one of the most popular clothing items in the world. It is loved by men and women of all ages and for a variety of reasons.
The simplest approach to fade a T-shirt naturally is to leave it in the sun for a day. It’s a simple technique to fade a T-shirt, and there are many ways to achieve this. While it takes time, the outcomes are very satisfying.
In this article, we will guide you on how you can fade your T-shirt in the easiest way possible. We will also provide different methods that you can use to achieve the perfect faded T-shirt.
What is A Faded T-Shirt?
A faded T-shirt is a shirt that has been worn and washed multiple times, causing the color to fade.

The fading can be intentional, such as with vintage T-shirts, or it can be the result of normal wear and tear. Faded T-shirts often have a softer, more comfortable feel than brand new shirts.
Why Faded T-shirts Are So Popular?
Faded T-shirts have become extremely popular in recent years due to the relaxed and comfortable look they give off. Many fashion brands have started selling faded T-shirts at high prices, but you don’t need to spend a lot of money to get the same look.
Using Washing Machine

The easiest way to fade a T-shirt is by using your washing machine. All you must do is add some bleach to your wash cycle and let the machine do its job.
Keep in mind that you should only use this method if your shirt is white or light-colored.
Step-by-Step Process
- Start by adding ½ cup of bleach to your washing machine.
- Then, add your T-shirt to the machine and let it run through a normal cycle.
- Once the cycle is finished, check to see if the shirt has achieved the desired level of fading. If not, you can repeat the process.
- Finally, wash the shirt in a separate cycle to remove any bleach residue.
Cons of Using a Washing Machine
- It’s difficult to get the right amount of fading on darker-colored tees.
Soaking with Lemon Vinegar Mixture

Another popular way to fade a T-shirt is by soaking it in a lemon vinegar mixture. This method is a bit more time-consuming, but it can be very effective.
Step-by-Step Process
- Start by mixing 1 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of lemon juice in a large container
- Then, soak the t-shirt in the mixture for about 30 minutes
- Once the time is up, rinse the shirt in cold water and let it air dry
Cons of Soaking with Lemon and Vinegar Mixture
- Time-consuming
- The mixture can be harsh on your clothes and may cause them to fade more quickly
- May not be safe for all fabric types
Hot Washing

Hot washing is the process of bleaching T-shirts in hot water. It is one of the most common methods for fading T-shirts. You can hot wash your shirts in a washing machine or by hand.
Step-by-Step Process
- Fill a pot with hot water and add your clothes.
- Stir the clothes until they are all wet.
- Soak the clothes in hot water for about 30 minutes.
- Add detergent and bleach to the water and stir well.
- Wash the clothes in the washing machine on a hot cycle.
- Rinse the clothes well and dry them.
Cons of Using Hot Wash
- Might damage your clothes.
- It can make your clothes shrink.
- Can be the reason for your clothes to become stiff and rough.
Using the Dryer to Fade

To fade a T-shirt, you can use the dryer. In fact, this one is the easiest way to do it.
Step-by-Step Process
- Place the T-shirt in the dryer on high heat for about 10 minutes.
- Add a couple of old towels to the dryer to help speed up the process.
- After 10 minutes, take the t-shirt out of the dryer and ay it out on a flat surface.
- You should see the desired results in about 15 minutes.
Cons of Using a Dryer to Fade Your T-Shirt
- Can be a bit dangerous if you’re not careful
- A bit costly if you use the dryer often
- It may not be the most effective way to fade a T-shirt
Sun Bath

The sun is a natural way to fade a T-shirt. In fact, many people believe that it’s the best way to do it.
Step-by-Step Process
- Place the T-shirt in direct sunlight
- Leave it in the sun for about 2 hours
- Flip it over and leave it in the sun for another 2 hours
- Remove it from the sun and wash it
- Repeat the process until you get the desired result
Cons of Using Sun Bath
- There are no drawbacks to fading a shirt in the sun since it’s a very natural and relatable technique to fade your t-shirt.
Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the most common ways to fade a t-shirt. It’s easy to use and can be found at most grocery stores.
Step-by-Step Process
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Create a solution of 2 cups of hot water and 1/4 cup of baking soda.
- Soak the T-shirt in the solution for about 30 minutes.
- After the T-shirt has soaked, rinse it off and then put it in the oven on a baking sheet.
- Bake for about 20 minutes or until the desired level of fading is achieved.
- Be sure to keep an eye on the shirt, so it doesn’t over fade.
- Remove the shirt from the oven and let it cool.
Cons of Using Baking Soda
- It can be a bit messy.
- Might be tough to get the shirt completely clean.
Vinegar and Tea Mixture

The vinegar and tea mixture is an easy way to fade a t-shirt. The ingredients are simple and can be found at most grocery stores. The vinegar will help to set the dye in the fabric, while the tea will help to lighten the color.
Step-by-Step Process
- Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Add one cup of vinegar and four tea bags. Let the mixture steep for about five minutes.
- After the five minutes are up, remove the tea bags and add your t-shirt to the mixture. Let it soak for about an hour.
- After the hour is up, remove the t-shirt from the mixture and rinse it with cold water. Hang the t-shirt to dry in a well-ventilated area.
- Once the t-shirt is dry, you will notice that the color has faded. Repeat this process if you want to fade the t-shirt further.
- This is a great method for those who want to achieve a subtle fade.
Cons of Using a Vinegar and Tea Mixture
- The smell of vinegar can be strong.
- The color of the t-shirt may not be uniform.
Using Organic Lemon Juice

Because lemons are highly acidic, merely dipping a t-shirt in lemon juice may help to fade it.
Step-by-Step Process
- Squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl
- Soak the t-shirt in the lemon juice for about 90 minutes
- After the t-shirt has soaked, rinse it off and hang it to dry in a well-ventilated area
- Once the t-shirt is dry, you will notice that the color has faded. Repeat this process if you want to fade the t-shirt further
Cons of Using Organic Lemon Juice
- The lemon juice will only fade the T-shirt slightly
- If you leave the t-shirt in the lemon juice for too long, it may damage the fabric
The Hot Salt Wash

By the Hot salt wash method, you can fade your t-shirt quickly.
It’s a great method for those who want to achieve a subtle fade.
Step-by-Step Process
- Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Add one cup of salt to the boiling water.
- Place your T-shirt in the pot and let it soak for about an hour.
- After the hour is up, remove the t-shirt from the pot and rinse it with cold water. Hang the T-shirt to dry in a well-ventilated area.
- Once the T-shirt is dry, you will notice that the color has faded. Repeat this process if you want to fade the t-shirt further.
Cons of Using the Hot Salt Wash
- The salt may damage the fabric if left in for too long.
Things That Need to Be Considered Before Fading A T-Shirt
- The type of fabric the shirt is made from.
- The desired look.
- How much time and effort you’re willing to put in?
- What kind of fading do you want (subtle or drastic).
- The tools and materials you’ll need.
With all that in mind, you can start fading your T-shirts with the methods mentioned above. Try using an old T-shirt before experimenting with the new one.
Tips for Fading a T-Shirt
- For a more subtle fade, try using a lighter shade of bleach.
- For a drastic fade, use a higher concentration of bleach or leave the shirt in the solution for a longer period.
- Rinsing the shirt in cold water after bleaching will help set the new color.
- You can also try using lemon juice or vinegar for a more natural fading process.
- Experiment with different methods and find the one that works best for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can vinegar whiten cloths?
Yes, vinegar can be used as a natural fabric whitener. Soak your clothes in a mixture of one part vinegar to four parts water for 30 minutes to an hour and then wash as usual.
Does the sun fade clothes?
Yes, the sun will naturally bleach and fade your clothes over time. Hang your clothes in direct sunlight to speed up the fading process.
How do you fade cotton cloths?
Cotton is a natural fiber that is easy to fade. You can use bleach, the sun, or vinegar to fade your cotton clothes.
How long does it take to sun fade a shirt?
It depends on the intensity of the sun and how often you move the shirt. It can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to fade a shirt in the sun.
Fading a t-shirt is a great way to give it a new look. There are many different methods you can use to fade your shirt, so experiment and find the one that works best for you. With a little time and effort, you can have a uniquely faded t-shirt that is sure to turn heads.
Thanks for reading! We hope this guide was helpful. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below.